Tuesday, September 2, 2014

GMSR: Plenty of Satisfying Moments

Zev's GMSR cat 4/5 crit win
If you look at Dr. Zev Myerowitz's bio on his Cape Chiropractic website, you soon realize that this guy is quite the brainiac. Magna Cum this and Summa Cum that but, wait, no mention of criterium bike racing experience. That's because he hadn't done any, which makes his win at the Green Mountain Stage Race criterium (cat 4/5) that much more impressive. The night before the race he asked his more experienced Downeast Racing teammates for some advise. "Stay at the front". "Pedal through the corners - it's faster that way". "You are stronger then the others in the field - attack when you feel them weaken". Check. Check. And check. Done. Done & Won. As mentioned earlier, the kid's a quick learner.
Eliot tired after 4th place Circuit ride
Eliot Pitney is another smart guy and he knows that charging across the finish line by yourself AHEAD of the field provides much better odds at placing well than sprinting from the pack. But chugging along at 35mph for a mile with 70 snarling guys behind you waiting to pounce ..... Ummm, that's not so easy to do. But Eliot did bolt from the field in an attempt to bridge to what proved to be a winning 3 man break, and that effort garnered a well earned 4th place finish in the Stgae 2 ciruit race (Cat 2 field). Well done, Eliot.
Fred celebrating 2nd place TT performance 
Fred Thomas is used to podium finishes in his specialty - time trialing. But nothing is a given in sports and trying your luck against new blood from around the country does give you sleepness nights. To see Fred in TT mode is witness to the power of drool, spittle and determination. Great focus and an extraordinarily efficient wind profile body position allows Fred to maximize all power into forward motion. Another fine performance, Fred.
Slaving at the front makes Matt thirsty
If there was a podium for sacrificial domestique work, Matt would be on the top step after every race. Unfortunately domestiques toil away in obscurity with the rewards being a tired body and, most importantly, the complete appreciation and respect from his teammates and racemates who fully understand the value of his work. Without Matt, podium finishes by his teammates would be far fewer.
Hank gets a call-up at the GMSR crit
Placing high in GC (General Classification) is what it's all about for many who approach a stage race, and such was the case for me. Placing well on GC is very satisfying, and the organizers at GMSR are very good at giving that accomplishment some recognition by calling up the top 5 guys on GC to the start of the crit race. If I say so myself, fine performances in the TT and the Queen stage placed me 4th on GC (50+ field) and a solid ride in the crit confirmed the placing. Nice job ... ME!
Joe and Sarah wash the fatique away
And what's the most satisfying part of stage racing?  How about plunging down Middlebury Gap and watching the beauty of 50 guys weaving through the descending corners knowing that your Giant can handle the 55mph speeds and high g-forces thru the corners with ease. Or summoning up the will to pass that last guy at the finish of App Gap. Or drinking that one Long Trail back at the team house. Or knowing you had the strength to mix it up with the best and come away with a haul of good performances. And lastly, how about hanging out with your friends and family and maybe showing off a bit (!!). So fun. So satisfying.

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